Locum tenens is a term that stems from Medieval Latin. It means “someone holding the place of another person.” It refers to people who stand in the place of other members of a similar profession temporarily.
Locum tenens are popular within the medical industry where people work as substitutes before moving on to the next job opportunity.
Why Do Physicians Choose Locum Tenens Work?
Below are a few reasons why locums are so popular.
Locums Provide a More Flexible Working Arrangement
When physicians opt for locum tenens work, they can enjoy a more flexible working arrangement.
Instead of working in a rigid traditional setting, medical service providers can choose where they want to work, the kind of work they do, and how long they can work before moving on to the next job opportunity. That allows them to have more freedom and a better work-life balance.
Locums Earn Extra Income
A typical medical student graduate has an average of $241,600 in student loan debt. So, some physicians may decide to become locum tenens as a way of earning extra income. That income could partly go toward paying off their debts. Also, the money can help them save up for dream projects such as buying a home.
Locums Provide Travel Opportunities
Physicians who want to earn a living without chaining themselves to one place can opt for locums. They can visit many places and enjoy meeting new people in the course of their work. By the time they are ready to settle, they would have amassed a lot of travel experience.
Locums Help Improve Working Experience
Some physicians may not be sure about what they want to do for the rest of their lives, or they may be retired. Rather than stay home and let their skills go to waste, they can keep themselves occupied as they decide what they want to do next. Embracing locum tenens work will also improve their clinical experience in multiple settings, which, in turn, will make them more attractive to employers.
Why Do Health Care Clients Use Locum Tenens Physician Staffing?
According to a 2019 report by the National Association of Locum Tenens Organizations (NALTO), 90% of U.S. health care facilities use locum tenens as service providers. They, in turn, hire 50,000 physicians each year.
Health care facilities use locum tenens physicians for several reasons. These include the following:
- Health care clients can easily find short-term replacements to fill in a gap left by an absent employee. They aren’t obligated to undergo lengthy approval processes or offer long-term contracts to enjoy the services of medical practitioners they hire.
- Locums enable health care clients to offer their patients access to the services of medical specialists who may not be willing to work full time in some environments, such as rural areas.
- Locum tenens enable health care clients to meet increased demand for medical services during peak seasons while saving on costs. They can hire medical practitioners when they need them instead of paying for full-time employees they don’t need.
If you are a medical practitioner looking for better working opportunities across the U.S. or a health care service provider looking to recruit qualified and experienced candidates to meet your patients’ needs, The Talent Society can help you.
The Talent Society serves health care facilities and medical service providers by connecting the two. Contact them today!
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