The days of CV dumps to your inbox are over. We respect your time too much to do that. Instead we curate and deliver only the best and most relevant locum tenens candidates.
We only represent candidates who have no disciplinary histories, no restricted licenses and no practice gaps of six months or more. We also pre-verify state credentials and perform rigorous background checks. Our high bar means your peace of mind.
Our candidates all have superior credentials and practice histories. But that’s not enough to guarantee the ideal locums placement. So our proprietary Candidate Synopsis assesses their personality, interests and hobbies to ensure a perfect fit with your facility’s culture and community.
Good locums recruiting isn’t one size fits all. Each facility is unique. That’s why we adapt to suit you. Our rates and process are flexible, respecting your budget and responding to your facility’s circumstances. We believe that great locums providers and customized service shouldn’t cost more.
Our Principal Recruiter will contact you within one business day to review your candidates.
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